
NMDOG ADOPTER Lisa Montoya-Feaganes on FB: “NMDOG you are amazing!! The love you have for each dog is beautiful. You’ve given us so much, you gave us support when needed, encouraging words and love. You introduced us to amazing people who share a love for dogs 🐕 . We are the lucky ones. We feel blessed to have found you and Rookie will always be a true NMDOG.”

“Heather Small
Hello. I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you for your work and the manner in which you do it. I am fairly new to NMDOG. I started following you last summer when a friend and former co-worker of mine, Leslie Andrews, shared one of your links. Your organization seemed interesting so I started following you on facebook to learn more.
I generally like to know a lot about an organization before I decide to support it but I quickly found myself wanting to help with your mission. The volume of rescue groups out there is of course astounding and sometimes it is difficult to determine who the best groups are to support. Were that I was rich, it wouldn’t be an issue but alas I am a lowly government employee so I unfortunately have to make choices.
I have not questioned my decision to support your organization even once. You allow people numerous ways to support your organization so they can feel comfortable about their contributions, and support you in the ways best suited for them while still feeling like they’ve contributed to the overall mission of NMDOG and benefited the dogs.
Whether it be giving money, buying a raffle ticket, ordering from Amazon, walking dogs, or even just sharing a post, people know they can find the right option for them to support you. Your regular updates on the dogs, whether it be a photo showing the recovery of a medical 911 case or the happy tails photo of a newly placed pup, lets your followers see the progress made and again see their contributions helping NMDOG succeed.
I believe Figgy was the first dog I directly contributed to and while it wasn’t much, it was wonderful to see his medical progress through your posts and know that somehow I made a small impact in his life.
The manner in which you address difficult topics is measured and garners respect. I recently had occasion to consider supporting another NM rescuer. The rescuer is still in the process of incorporating and fairly new to the game, rescuing large animals for the most part. I struggled deeply with supporting the group when a few weeks after I started following them on facebook they posted a scathing status berating their followers for not contributing enough and essentially threatening to put down a horse prematurely if money wasn’t collected within a very arbitrary deadline. Fortunately money was collected and the horse received the medical attention it needed, and ultimately, it was about helping the horse, but I continue to watch the group and hope as they season, they will find better ways to communicate their message. I mention this only to highlight the stark contrast between that group and NMDOG, and how you gain trust and confidence from your followers and supporters in ways that makes them want to contribute for the sole purpose of aiding NMDOG and its mission without resorting to guilt tactics. While I can only imagine the difficulty and I’m sure frustration in trying to run a rescue group, every day I see NMDOG supporters rising to new challenges to help, and in a time when I’ve largely lost faith in the human species, it does give me hope. Your supporters rise to this challenge not only for the love of dog, but because you make it easy for us to want to see you succeed.
Lastly, your efforts at outreach and education are impressive and so integral to effecting change. Along the lines of give a man a fish versus teach a man to fish, your willingness to meet guardians half way and make baby steps to change the condition of just one dog, will in the long run effect cultural change years down the road. Even for me, your education has been paramount to my own development. I am new to dog guardianship. My dog, Chickens (officially Bubby the Licious Sugar-Britches Chickens) has only been with me for two years and only through the merging of my household with my boyfriends…which came with Chickens! While I grew up with a dog (Dogg to be specific-we were less creative with names back then), it was back in the 70s and 80s when there was not as much attention given to the right and wrong way to care for a dog. While my dog was loved, received attention, food, and daily hour long walks whether rain or shine, she was an outside dog. Never chained, and with proper shelter and necessities, but still an outside dog. My Dad “rescued” her as a puppy when he came across her in the oil fields and realized she’d been shot at, likely by a nearby rancher. He brought her home. My mom, not being an animal person, of course banished her outdoors. She was loyal, loving, and sweet. A very large dog who could be stubborn but the only time she bared a tooth was when she thought my Dad was hurting my brother during an afternoon of rough housing in the yard. In my adulthood, while I’ve wanted a dog for years, I knew my lifestyle was not conducive to dog guardianship but ended up with Chickens when I started my life with my new boyfriend. I would not change it for anything. While I now have a level of responsibility that I never had before and have to consider things like how long I’m away from the house, who’s going to check on Chickens during lunch, do I buy that dress or 10 squeaky toys for Chickens (Chickens always wins that one by the way), what I gain from Chickens is so much more.
Through my experience with Chickens and my exposure to your organization, I’ve learned what it means to have a dog as a true family member. I look back now and so wish Dogg had the opportunity to experience that. She lived a long 14 years as an outside dog and while loved, WE missed out on many wonderful experiences with her by not making her part of our home. Chickens will never know the life Dogg had and all I can do is focus on the future now and hopefully help NMDOG make a difference in another “Dogg’s” life so he or she really knows what it feels like to be part of a family. I hope one day my household will be a proper fit for an NMDOG so I can truly help give a dog a new life, but in the meantime, thank you for all your work, for educating me and many others, for giving so many dogs a second chance, and for making it so easy to want to help you succeed.” ~ Heather Small via Facebook (01 2014)

“I wish every county across this country could have task forces like BCACT. I found the NMDOG Facebook page because of Hubble, and am following because of all the amazing work and the real changes in the system NMDOG with the BCAT is making. My hope is that this model is replicated all over so that abuse, cruelty and neglect can be obliterated and justice can be served.” Julie C. via Facebook

“Thank you for all of your hard work! I live in El Cerro Mission and you guys are always helping the forgotten!” Sierra P. via Facebook

“This is one of the best organizations I have had the opportunity to work with. Their educational and heart felt approach shows their true compassion. The forgotten dogs of New Mexico could not ask for a better team of angels.” ~ Alysha L. Estancia Animal Care and Control via Petfinder

“NMDOG you just can’t keep me dry eyed can you? ?? Your hearts are amazing, and the work you do for these babies is priceless!!” Jennifer M. via Facebook

“I LOVE that instead of demonizing all owners of chained dogs, you educate them and encourage them to help. This is the best way for change. You all at NMDOG do beautiful work… thank you.” Stephanie S. via Facebook

“Thanks Angela. I wanted to share because at times it seems like we can’t do enough or efforts felt like a waste. All the time and effort you’ve made for NMDOG has been so valuable. The time you and your volunteers give are invaluable to this community and many more. You do what you do in a state that gives no lawful back-up. Your organization and efforts made are essential for our animals in NM and they redefine how animals should be treated. I know that someday, all your efforts and documentation will help change laws for animals and will be the guiding light to help NM become the ‘worst’ place for animal abuse. Way back in Pips beginning, you sent help and cared about her when no one else did except me and that gave me hope. You have helped change my life for the better because I know that even if small steps are taken to help, it is of value. Every little bit helps. 2 bails of your straw donation to shelter helped save 5 animals from dying outside the day I agreed to help a total stranger. Cuz you rock.” Elisa in Espanola. She went with us on xmas eve outreach

“We have been delivering so much straw. We want to thank you so very much. We have been able to help many dogs. Mountainair does not have an animal control officer, so we have someone assisting us with that area as well. So many have no shelter. Any advice is always welcome and thank you again.”
Torrance Co Sheriff’s Department RE: being a partner in the NMDOG Free Straw program.

A letter to The Village From Matt Pepper….
“When Angela stopped by my office today to tell me about the change in her organization’s name to ‘NMDOG’ I was excited about what it meant. Your name is how people recognize you and knowing what I know of Angela it means a commitment to the dogs of New Mexico. It means passion for animal welfare. It means compassion. It means a fresh start for an already incredibly productive and passionate group of animal advocates. NMDOG has done so much to help the animals of Bernalillo County. They supplement our law enforcement activities by providing resources to folks who just need a little help. They partner with us on larger initiatives such as our recent emergency animal sheltering exercise. They help us place animals that end up in the care of our officers by facilitating rescue and/or transport to other great animal welfare organizations.
Animal welfare is about finding your passion, your niche, and filling a need. Success can be defined as finding something you are passionate about and giving it everything you have. This epitomizes NMDOG and Angela Stell and this is what I appreciate so much about the organization. They help where help is needed and they do it for the right reasons; for the animals. I look forward to many successful future partnerships with NMDOG benefiting the animals of Bernalillo County.”
Matt Pepper
Bernalillo County Animal Care Services

“My favorite group!
It takes a village of compassionate, strong-souled people to make positive change. NMDOG does this in many ways since the mission is all about being out and about in the community.
****Education. Prevention**** They are not a shelter. They do not have paid employees. Definitely not breed-specific. They lend a helping hand to those in need. Clinics with low-cost S/N, vaccinations, and microchiping; outreach to provide food, shelter, warmth, goodies & cheer. A village of foster families and adopters give each rescued dog the TLC needed to become the dog they are meant to be. Dogs in need of veterinary care and/or behavioral rehabilitation have their needs met by an awesome network of veterinarians & staff and amazing behaviorists/trainers. NMDOG is the bridge from forgotten to loved.”
Michelle O. via Facebook

I can’t wait until I have a transaction or two, so I can donate to NMDOG! You are the most deserving rescue I know of anywhere in the states!
Monica G. via Facebook

“Hello NMDOG my mum has a house in Turkey which we haven’t visited in 3 year, this is the little fella we found on our arrival. He has been recruited as a security dog & we have named him Skipper (as we don’t speak Turkish) He lives on a chain from 7am till 10pm everyday with filthy water, little cover in stiffling heat. He’s 4 months old and destined for a poor life. I’ve been following you since the Hubble story and recently donated. I’m now more educated on the life of chain dogs so I approached the owner and asked if we could give the dog a better shelter and bedding …he agreed! It’s a small step as this is a country with poor animal rights, they don’t think very highly of dogs and do nothing to stop the millions of strays breeding etc. The owner has also allowed to let him off the chain in the day for some well needed stimulation and attention. Thought you might like to know that your education reaches far around the world and can help dogs in other countries too! Thank you x”
Nicola T. personal message via Facebook

NMDOG sets a shining example of how to utilize social media to assist animals in need! The folks behind the media are tireless in their efforts and highly creative, and it is clear that their devotion makes such a great difference for New Mexico’s dogs!
Dawn B. via Petfinder

NMDOG is one of the absolute best rescue organizations that I know of !! Angela and her crew are on call 24/7; they go out and search for chained dogs that are suffering needlessly and many times these dogs are even padlocked to their chains. They give them the vet care & love that they all need and deserve. They find homes for all the dogs they rescue and they provide shelter, food, water, love and educate owners how to properly care for their dogs if they are not willing to surrender them.
Jamee T. via Petfinder

Angela and the other volunteers at NMDOG go way above and beyond! Their compassion–not only for the dogs but also for the owners who want to do better for their dogs–is palpable! NMDOG is the only rescue I know that genuinely listens to owners without condemnation. And they will help build a fence or a shelter. Recommend them above all!
Chrisan Smith, NM Akita Rescue. via Petfinder

Without NMDOG, my dog (Ozzy) would probable not be here. He is a wonderful, loving, beautiful, big furry animal that is now my life companion. Ozzy and I, are both lucky dogs! Thanks to NMDOG and GOD.
I love my Ozz! It took a lot of compassion, many people, lots of time, and good money to save my Ozzy. Thanks to NMDOG. Very special thanks to Tonya and Angela. I feel that they will always love Ozz and try and help, if needed. — NMDOG Adopter via Petfinder

Here’s the deal. There are so many causes out there that deserve our attention and donations. Until recently, I thought of animal rescue as just  another cause among many. But then I met the people at NMDog. I am not exactly sure what made them different from the other animal rescue outfits. But something sure sets them apart in my mind. Perhaps it is the providing shelters, the building of enclosures for the chained dogs and helping owners help their pets. Perhaps it is the emotional investment.  Pat A. via Petfinder

One of the recipients of outreach:
“Thank God for all the volunteers. It was really helpful to my family a true blessing. We will always be to gather now thanks for the microchip no worries we can register and get one of the chi mix neutered. thank you again. Love Cheerios and Nightmare and family.”

“Hello Angela, my name is XXXXXX, and, though I’m certain you don’t remember me, you and your fine organization proved to be an immense help to myself and my dog Domino.
This was on December 31st [2012] in Meadow Lake. New Mexico Dogs Deserve Better provided Domino a dog house, and straw for the houses of my other dogs.
I wanted to take a moment and thank your organization very sincerely. Although this correspondence comes late, I assure you that you and your crew have always remained in my thoughts. You’re assistance came at a much troubled time for me as I was going through a divorce and had been unemployed for some time. Although I tried to make my dogs as comfortable as possible during that time I simply could not afford a shelter for Domino.
I am now doing much better, and thus my dogs are too. Again, I wanted to give my most sincere thanks and appreciation.
This year I had hoped to become involved in some charity, and I feel that New Mexico Dogs Deserve Better is an effective, compassionate community outreach program that I would be happy to be a part of, either through donation or in volunteering my time to help. If I can be of any assistance please let me know.
Again, thank you very much for your help and compassion toward me and my pets during a difficult time.
Very Sincerely,